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" Well... here it goes."It all started when I met this guy at the mall. His name was Andrew, and he said he was a photographer, and he could make anyone look sexy and beautiful. I've always had low self-esteem, thinking I was never beautiful, so I bought right into it. He said he wouldn't mind giving me my first session for free, as he was new to town and wanted to get some shots of locals to show off to potential clients. I thought my boyfriend would be so happy about having sexy pictures of me, and it would make him think I was beautiful. I didn't tell my boyfriend about meeting the photographer, I wanted it to be a surprise for him.I went over to visit Andrew after school. I told him I wanted to look sexy, and he smiled and said it would be pretty easy with someone like me. I smiled about that and he brought me into his room."Now, before I do anything major, I'm just going to take some candid shots. Just sort of get you comfortable in front of the camera and relax you. Have fun. ‘Hello cunt,’ he smirked. He leant forward and I wondered for a gorgeous moment if he was going to kiss me. He didn’t. His hand emerged from below me and I looked down in time to see him clip something onto one of the rings in my collar, which had been a permanent fixture of my attire for months (except for showers). A thin, black something. A leash. He had me on a leash. I’d known him a few seconds in real life and I was already on his leash. ‘Well, come on then,’I stared at him, dumbstruck, for a few moments before my sluggish brain processed his command. Come on then. The leash was fed under the metal bar that was still separating us, so I bent down and made to duck under it.‘Not so fast bitch. What do good whores do?’I stared at him a little more as I tried to think. He was really attractive. No, stop focussing on his face. I thought What do good whores do? What-‘Crawl, Sir?’He smiled and gave a slight nod. I lowered myself onto my knees and crawled under the barrier. On the other.
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