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I apologize one more time for the bad english. Im trying to improve.Well, this story happened about 3-4 years ago. I knew my father's friend, this one, ever since i was very little. As i became older and slowly turned into a woman, men started noticing.Daniel was in his 40s and quite handsome. He would always go to our house. As i got older, the hugs became stronger and tighter and my breasts would press against him.We were talking on msn one day and the subejct of sex had come up. He began telling me how pretty i was and that i was very sexy. He sent me some videos and asked if had experience with sex. I told him some of good stories i had experienced and he wanted to meet me on the following saturday for fun.I hesitated at first but agreed. The rest of the week, I was very excited. I left Saturday morning and said I was going to meet some friends and met Daniel at the mall. He asked me if i wanted to go somewhere more private.We got in his car and I already knew he was headed for a. She was absolutely in shock as to how this could happen and I assured her that I was too. She wanted to have an abortion but I talked her out of it, telling her that I was prepared to stay with her and support not only her but her other 3 rug rats. Of course she believed me. She didn't tell her husband until it got so fucken' obvious that she had to, and by then she was too fucken' far gone to have an abortion. That's when I told her that I was leaving and thanked her for being such an excellent fuck. She cried of course but fuck her, there's lots of other more fresher and unused wombs out there. She finally broke down and told her husband. Of course he went ballistic but he's a little wimp so I never every heard from her. He divorced her and the last time I heard she was living in a trailer park just outside of town. After that I decided to leave town as I was getting fairly well known and anyway I needed some fresh pussy and I'd fucked most of it near my house.***I hope that you.
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