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We got into rebuilding classic cars. He got a 68 Mustang fastback 2 + 2, with a 302 V8 motor. It was in tough shape. It took us almost two years to rebuild. We used my pole barn shop to work on the car.A year after he got his car, I got my 1964 Tempest. Now we had two cars to work on. His is almost done, but mine sure needed a lot of help. We stripped the body right off the frame. The frame is in really decent shape, but the frame did need a little repair work and some welding. We put in new lines for the brakes and a new gas line. Also new wiring harness, for the both front and back lights. I painted the frame solid black. I painted the inside of the motor area on the body black.It is hard to find parts for the 64 Tempest. It is an only year model. Parts from either the 63 or 65 doesn't seem to fit. We had to get after market parts, or find parts from a junk yard. We used a lot of Bondo on the body to get it to look almost perfect. By my thirty-fourth birthday, the car was almost. Fumble. Rustle. My sighs evaporate into thin air as you grapple with my shorts, pulling them down my legs and exposing my hot cunt to the still, sweaty air. You prize my legs apart and insert two rigid fingers, which grind against the tense walls of my pussy. You frig me hard, panting in my ear and your dick boring into the back of my leg. Again, I turn to look around and you push my forehead into the cold, synthetic dividing wall behind me. I open my legs wider to take you in, desperate to be used and enjoyed. Gasp. Sigh. Grunt.You inhale sharply as you place your round, swollen head at the portal of my vagina, your manhood poised at the swollen, fiery gates of my sex. A jolt of electricity shoots down my thighs, my mouth wide and agape and dry. You insert yourself inside me, your hand pushing me more firmly into the wall. It hurts. I wouldn't ask for any less or any more.Slap. Bang. Whack. You fuck me hard and fast, with all the lust and hunger and desire I crave. I feel you batter.
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