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At 0830, we stood work call formation outside the Company orderly room. After the sergeant major passed out any information he had, he released us to our team sergeants. The team sergeants then conducted the activities listed on the weekly training schedule they made. If our training schedule listed ‘area studies’ from 0900-1200, we were headed for the Shangri-La, which conveniently opened at 0900. To cover his ass if someone wanted to check our training, he typed ‘Team Roam’ instead of ‘Team Room’ for the class location. Ryan was as slick as snot on a door knob.We frequented the Shangri-La, because the widow who owned the joint was lobbying for the position as the next Missus Ryan Ragan. The owner was a robust German woman named Greta, whose Special Forces husband had died when his parachute cigarette rolled on him during a routine jump. The fellows and I would shoot pool, drink twenty-five cent beer, and bullshit while Greta dragged Ryan back to her office. The weird thing about. You don't have the use of your arms to help you keep your balance," I calmly said to her as I reached for another rope. Olivia turned around as she was instructed, cautiously. The motion of her body made the rope feel alive against her flesh. When she inhaled and her chest expanded, my rope bit harder into her arms, breasts, and back. Olivia stared at the reflection of her bound body in the mirror. She remembered the question she had asked Janet. ‘Do the ropes hurt?’ They didn't hurt at all, aside from some pinching while she was being bound, and heat from having the rope pulled across her flesh. There was no pain. It felt as if she was being hugged. Olivia admired how her breasts swelled out from under the rope, how fuller and firmer they appeared. She took a deep breath to allow the rope to dig a bit deeper into her breasts. "Do you like how you look in my rope, Olivia?" Olivia let her eyes roam to her shaved pussy as she answered, "I love how you've tied me. It feels.
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