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I wanted them to make that trip a couple of times and see how it went. If they found a cargo that made money, that was fine, but I wanted a steady supply of Long Cut ale for the Island and I wanted as many people as they could bring over. Once we had enough ale they could just move passengers for a few trips, but talk to the people at Small Cove and Bridgetown and Polliton before unloading any there; they may already have all the refugees they want. Those towns were happy the way they were and extra people were just mouths to feed.We, on the other hand, were trying to expand and needed all the workers we could get. We could easily handle fifty or a hundred people per trip. Every person we put to work made it easier to handle the next group.The Captain should be willing to refuse passage to anyone who caused trouble, though. We don’t need more problems.After a few days we spread the word that I was taking Wrong Place out again, to look for more pirate ships to capture. I was offering. So instead I headed for the altenerate route, which cuts through a small park in the CBD which frequents considerable passers by.I was walking around the concrete path at the edge, mostly looking at my phone and playing Ingress on the way back, when I glanced at a woman laying in the park. It was later in the evening, well and truly dark and slightly brisk as winter is approaching. I found it odd that a woman would be laying down in the cold, and I focused my attention on her. And then her short dress...and then between her quite spread thighs...did I just see pussy?She was positioned perfectly to tease. There must have been a passer by every 15-30 seconds at least, but you only had a brief moment to see up her skirt, and I guess I was on the ball.In the middle of the park was a large statue...and Ingress target. I can swing by, play the game and come back around for another look, to satisfy my curiosity. After all, she hadn't moved.When I came by for the second pass she saw me look,.
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