Here Bernard and Dick’s swollen beefy dicks were simply bursting out of their foreskins. How furiously their cocks thrashed around on top of the bouncing, bulging knackersacks! It was a bollock-throbbing riot.Which now reached a new level of madness. Because across the boat the weight of nude flesh and tingling genitalia had become very unevenly spread. And so the punt started to tip. Their buttocks tensing with panic, Bernard and Dick began to teeter on the edge of the boat. Grace reached out to rescue the naked landlubbers, whose very scrotums had become goose-pimpled with fear. Grace made a grab, and got hold of Bernard. Who wobbled, tipped and finally balanced! The ladies were moved to applaud a most spectacular rescue. Not even the oldest inhabitant of the village could ever remember quite such an eye-catching feat. For in the emergency, Grace had been forced to grab anything of Bernard’s which she could. And this just happened to be Bernard’s penis. For many. Finally, to everyone's relief, Charleston walked in slowly and sat down before saying "Sorry everyone, as you can see I'm in pretty rough shape, I was mugged over the weekend and on top of that I have a severe case of the flu. I planned to take time off for a couple of days but I wanted to be here for this occasion Brian." Sorry to drag you out of bed Mr. Charleston, but hopefully this won't take long. Can we get you a cup of coffee?" Brian asked."That would be great, thanks" he replied.Brian got up and poured him a cup and brought it over to him, thinking it was unfortunate that he didn't have some arsenic with him. It was 9:10 on his watch he saw as he sat back down and grabbed a muffin before he pushed the muffin plate over to Charleston. He grabbed one as well and sat back. Brian broke the muffin apart and put a piece in, hopping no one would make him talk while he was eating. It bought them another minute but he could see everyone was getting restless."Ok, now that we're all here.
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