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Oh, I apologize. I’m Samuel Weatherstone, from the...”I interrupted him. “Wall Street Journal, leading technology writer for the last 6 years. I was wondering if someone would show up other than local media.”Samuel was about 40 years old, dark hair, about an inch taller than me, with wire frame glasses. He looked like the picture of him I’d seen in the paper, actually, so I didn’t think there’d be an issue. He smiled at me.“I admit I took a chance on coming out here. To be perfectly honest, you’re right; this is considered flyover country. But when I get told that Siemens is doing something out here at the same time that Leon Hess is, and I heard that not only are the Koch brothers involved, but so is Microsoft? I told my editor that I was coming here. He was a bit skeptical, but his words were, “No one takes a vacation to Kansas in November. So, I know you’re not trying to scam me. Go see what’s up.”“I’m actually amused that none of my competition is here today. That comment from. " She said."So he has the tablet on him?" I asked."I never saw it but that things tiny it would fit in a suit" she said pointing at the one on my table."And you know he's got the doll their tonight?" I asked.She shrugged. "He doesn't have a schedule but its more nights then not." She said."Alright then let's go." I said nodding."Does Kate have anything to accomplish while Master is gone?" asked Kate from where she had been standing idle."No, just hang in there Kate." I said.The Doll bowed her head and her eyes once again became chiseled marble seeing nothing.I shuddered and turned back to Beth. "Let's go." I said.Stepping out of the modern Sedan that Beth had I handed the valet the keys she had let me drive just to keep up the appearance that we were boyfriend and girlfriend a charade that we were using if only to justify our coming to the club together. Walking around to the other side of the car I offered her my hand to Beth.She eyed me but took my hand and threaded her arm through.
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